Scott is a Perth-based marketing and communications manager with a decade of experience in a variety of industries including arts and culture, not-for-profit, education and land development. With expertise in advertising and digital content strategy, Scott is currently Senior Communications Consultant at the Department of Education and has previously spent five years leading West Australian Ballet’s public relations and digital content initiatives.
As an advisor and consultant, Scott’s work had included brand and digital strategies for; Ausdance National, the West Australian International Stone Symposium’s inaugural festival and WA Premier Events concert series, and has further experience at The Brand Agency, Lotterywest and Yelp Perth. In 2021, Scott’s work received recognition as West Australian Ballet’s marketing team won Campaign Brief’s prestigious ‘Advertiser of the Year’.
Specialty areas: PR and crisis communications, digital and content strategy, advertising, project management.
Joined the CircusWA board: October 2023