
MAIN STAGE PREMIER – 4th & 5th July 2024

at Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre



B’Spoke is an exciting new show celebrating the talents and experiences of six remarkable young people living with a disability.

Through a fusion of circus, projection and physical theatre, the show will take you on a journey into the minds and imaginations of six young people we have come to know as our Storytellers. Performing alongside the CircusWA Youth Academy performers, these youth have an opportunity to share their unique abilities, personalities and perspectives on the world. Along the way they will challenge stereotypes and the preconceptions of others about who they are. With a focus on joy and empowerment, B’Spoke is a captivating and inspiring celebration of diversity and inclusion.

The B’spoke journey began in 2022 with the first small performance in August at the Fremantle Town Hall. Since then we have continued to grow and develop the skills of all our youth so they can come together as one creative ensemble.

In July 2024 we will be  bringing B’Spoke to full production at the Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre. The creative developments and training so far has been supported by Telethon7 in 2023 and the Stan Perron Foundation for training and rehearsals in 2024.


Natano Fa’anana, Sarah Healy, Bryan Woltjen, Shenzo Gregorio, Jude Iddison, Maia Harcourt, Roly Skender, Hugo Flavelle, Shani Holster, Jolene Whibley




B’Spoke and Disabilities training program supported by

The Impact of b’spoke

In October 2023, we held a work-in-progress showcase of B’Spoke and invited our audience and performers to provide feedback. Understanding the success of our youth programs is important for us at CircusWA. The positive responses reaffirm that our programs are on track, bringing hope for the future and fostering inclusion and belonging.

92% of audience members agreed it made them feel optimistic about the community’s future, moving and inspiring them

78% of young artists experienced positive impacts to wellbeing

100% of audiences would enthusiastically come again

B’Spoke Impact ReportDownload


Social Outcomes

B’Spoke and Circus? You Can! focus on identity and participation in society. The transformative power of the performance itself leads to empowering outcomes.

By actively engaging and participating in the performance, young people have the unique opportunity to shape their identities and be seen for who they truly are. Through this active involvement, they assume new roles as performers, forming meaningful connections with their peers and the audience, and becoming integral members of a vibrant community. This immersive experience within the performance context enables a broader range of social outcomes, fostering personal growth, empowerment, and a profound sense of belonging for all participants.

The program raises awareness about the abilities of young people with disabilities, challenging stereotypes and fostering inclusivity. It encourages community members to actively participate in and appreciate the arts by showcasing the talents and creativity of young people with disabilities.

Together We Can

A Circus Revolution for all

Circus? You Can!

Training diverse young bodies to do circus

Our circus arts training program Circus? You Can!  is the training landscape for the development of B’Spoke.

The program is a transformative circus and performing arts programs designed for children and youth living with disabilities. Participants engage in comprehensive weekly circus classes, specialised choreography workshops for diverse body types, and captivating performances in clowning and physical theatre.

Through the power of circus arts, the performance is a culmination of all the achievement throughout these programs which strive for a more inclusive society that celebrates diversity and provides equal opportunities for youth with disabilities.


To learn more about the impact and outcomes of CircusWA’s disabilities programs, and the QI-Disability evaluation framework developed as an outcome measure for Experience Collider, read our Impact Report with Telethon Kids Institute.

Giving opportunities to young Western Australians to live their best life by supporting their physical, mental and social wellbeing.