Circus is a powerful agent for social change by promoting resilience, self-confidence, self-efficacy, and the ability to work well in a team.

All our social circus programmes are widely accessible and inclusive, allowing participants to realise their potential in accordance with their own abilities.



CircusWA’s youth programs create pathways for young people of all abilities and backgrounds to participate in the arts in a way that is inclusive and enhances participants’ sense of well-being. 

 The following short and long-term outcomes are within our reach to influence. 

 More WA youth will have … 

  • Increased confidence and empowerment, believing that they can achieve extraordinary things. 
  • Improved physical and mental health and wellbeing. 
  • Increased participation in community and cultural activities. 
  • Have full inclusion in community and social life. 
  • Increased sense of place and belonging. 
  • Developed increased capacity to shape and express cultural identity. 
  • Improved social, personal and life skills. 
  • Reduced financial barriers for engaging in the arts. 

 Our community will benefit from … 

  • Greater social inclusion and cohesion. 
  • Increased trust, tolerance, and appreciation for others. 
  • A deepened understanding of community and inclusion. 
  • Recognition of the capabilities of people of all abilities and backgrounds, leading to increased employment. 
  • Increased investment in First Nations arts and cultural expression. 
  • Increased opportunities to see and engage with next generation artists of all abilities.
  • Increased empathy, understanding and tolerance of difference.

 CircusWA and the arts and culture sector will benefit from … 

  • A larger, diverse and more connected circus arts and physical theatre community. 
  • Increased attention and investment on building capacity, diversity, and inclusion. 
  • Artists and community become social change-oriented. 
  • Increased collaboration among community, organisations, and the government to increase capacity. 
  • Stability of cross-sector partnerships and collaboration beyond the project period leading to increased employment and economic opportunities, and meaningful work.


Circus is not just an art form, it is a way of life. It’s a unique, hard-working community where everyone is welcome, diversity and difference are actively embraced, and everyone is encouraged to be themselves and dream big.

At CircusWA we don’t just teach circus techniques, we impart the unique values of circus. These values guide and motivate the attitudes, behaviour and decision-making of members and artists, staff and volunteers alike. 

We know that a sense of belonging is a key predictor of well-being, engagement, and academic success. Students who feel connected to community, place, and purpose are more likely to thrive. Our programs foster a sense of belonging and community in the heart of Fremantle.

Our Measures of Success:

  • Proven increase in the physical and creative capacity, social responsibility and readiness skills of young people.

  • Youth programs which are in line with best practice and standards in youth arts and cultural practice, social inclusion and experiential learning.

  • Evidence of growth in social impact, art form development, employment and organisational capacity.

  • Growth and stability of private and cross-sector partnerships and collaboration.